Our actors for actors philosophy:
13 Shot Films believes in supporting the actor community. We also believe that actors should have a basic knowledge of filmmaking.
Let’s face it, movies and television are not what they used to be. Hollywood has evolved from a tight knit community to something more fluid and everchanging. Indie filmmaking is on the rise. This leaves us with the means to have a modicum of success due to the way in which we exchange media and the availability of technology that plays a part in bringing our individual art to the forefront of the industry.
13 Shot Films believes that by understanding both sides of the camera, the art of filmmaking and also the art of acting, equips us with the ability to build, as a community, art that contributes to our individual success.
When we choose to learn both of these art forms, we can create and not wait around for someone else to find us! Running a set like this also allows us to work as a hive-mind, in order to ensure the most deeply rich form of art that we can possibly achieve.
-Carlton Gray
We are actors for actors. Please feel free to contact us for more on our philosophy.